
Marking Mouth Cancer Action Month in Westminster…

28 November 2017

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Dentistry and Oral Health on Tuesday 28 November focused on the topic of oral cancers. The event, held in conjunction with Cancer Research UK and HPV Action to mark Mouth Cancer Action Month, aimed to highlight the shocking increase in mouth cancers, the vital role that dentists play in detecting them early, and the need to vaccinate boys against the HPV virus. Over twenty Parliamentarians from across the UK attended the event. Dentist and BDA member Jayesh Patel offered free mouth checks to attendees, helping to highlight the essential work dentists do to fight this disease.

Attendees also had the opportunity to speak to oral and oropharyngeal cancer survivors about their experiences, and we highlighted the message that they should encourage constituents to visit the dentist regularly, to make sure any suspicious changes in the mouth are spotted early.

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